Radiographic Assessment of Periodontal Ligament and Root Pulp Visibility in Lower Third Molars as a Tool for Chronological Age Estimation
periodontal ligament, dental radiographs, radiography, age estimation, orthopantomogram, dental pulpAbstract
OBJECTIVE: To assess chronological age by radiographic assessment of root pulp visibility and periodontal ligament visibility of lower third molar teeth through stage classification in a subset of the Pakistani population.
METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional study was conducted using digital orthopantomograms (OPGs) of 260 lower third molar teeth aged 18-40 years, using a non-probability consecutive sampling technique from the Department of Orthodontics, Ziauddin University Hospital and Karachi X-rays Center taken between the year 2020 to 2022. The OPGs were studied using Clear Canvas software. The OPGs with good contrast, good quality image and good morphology with complete root formation were included; OPGs with missing required teeth, teeth with fillings, inflammation or anomaly were excluded.
RESULTS: A significant association was seen between stages of RPV and PLV with chronological ages. For both sexes, the mean ages for RPV at stages 0, stage 1 and stage 2 were found to be 24.26 years, 29.71 years and 32 years, respectively and mean ages for PLV at stages 0, stage 1 and stage 2 were found to 24.16 years, 28.31 years and 32.44 years respectively.
CONCLUSION: The individuals found at stages 0 and 1 for radiographic RPV were at least 18 years of age, and for stage 2, individuals were 28 years and above. For radiographic PLV, the minimum age for stage 0 and stage 1 were at least 18 years, and for stage 2, the individuals were at least 20. Hence, RPV and PLV methods can be used to estimate age.
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