Dominant Factors Affecting Maternal Resilience Scores in Children with Down Syndrome
Down Syndrome, Quality of Life, Caregiver Burden, Social Support, ResilienceAbstract
OBJECTIVE: To determine the Leading Factors Affecting Maternal Resilience Scores in Children with Down Syndrome
METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional study was conducted between February and April 2024 at the Association of Parents of Children with Down's Syndrome in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The sample size was determined based on a total population of 209 POTADS. Using Rao-soft calculations with a margin of error of 5% and a confidence level of 95%, 135 respondents were recommended as the sample size. The Par-DD-QoL questionnaire, which consists of 18 items overall, was modified from the Par ENT survey to assess parents' quality of life. The respondents were selected using nonpurposive sampling. Microsoft Excel entered the collected data, and SPSS 26 was used for analysis.
RESULTS: The study found that social support, caregiver burden, and quality of life significantly affected maternal resilience in parents of children with Down syndrome. Those with higher quality of life and social support were more likely to have higher resilience levels. These findings emphasize the importance of addressing physical and psychological well-being to promote resilience in this population. Thus, addressing both physical and mental well-being is essential for fostering resilience in children with Down syndrome.
CONCLUSION: Providing support and resources for parents and caregivers is crucial for resilience in children with Down syndrome. A holistic approach that considers an individual's quality of life and the social support system is critical to enhancing resilience, which comes with the job by concentrating on these factors.
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