Richter’s Hernia: A Case Report


  • Shahid Nazir
  • Sahrish Sulman
  • Ambreen Munir
  • Aneeta Kumari
  • Sehrish Shah Rehmat


Richter’s hernia, diagnostic difficulty, mortality & morbidity.


Richter’s hernia (partial enterocele) is rare disease in which there is a swelling or/and entrapment of a
small part of intestine along its antimesenteric border due to minor defect in abdominal wall. Diagnosis
of Richter’s hernia & their associated complications are difficult due to absence of obstructive
symptoms with presence of early strangulation thereby increases mortality to 20-60%. For early
diagnosis of Richter’s hernia ultrasonography and computed tomography (CT) are utilized and
emergency surgery is necessary to obviate complications of disease. Here, we are presenting a case of
20-year male patient reporting for abdominal pain radiating to right hypochondria, anorexia and
low-grade fever for 24 hours in which an incidental diagnosis of Richter’s Hernia along with acute
appendicitis was made.




How to Cite

Nazir S, Sulman S, Munir A, Kumari A, Rehmat SS. Richter’s Hernia: A Case Report. J Liaq Uni Med Health Sci [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];18(02):185-7. Available from: