Assessment of Need of Antenatal Education by Assessing the Existing Knowledge of Pregnant Women


  • Basit Ali Khan
  • Arsh e Mah Muazam
  • Mubashra Abeeha Shahid


Pregnant women, Antenatal education, Antenatal knowledge.


OBJECTIVE: To assess the antenatal knowledge and preferred information seeking behavior of pregnant
women attending antenatal care clinics of Allied Hospitals of Rawalpindi Medical University, Rawalpindi.
METHODOLOY: This was a multi-centered based cross-sectional design study. This study was
conducted in the antenatal care clinics of three allied hospitals of Rawalpindi medical University,
Rawalpindi. A total of 400 pregnant women in third trimester of pregnancy, attending antenatal care
clinics were included in the study through consecutive sampling. Antenatal knowledge was assessed by
a valid (scale-content validity index=1.00) and reliable (Cronbach’s alpha=0.90) questionnaire developed
for this purpose. SPSS 22 was used for data analysis.
RESULTS: Out of 400 pregnant women, majority 148 (37%) were in the age group of 23-27 years. Mean
age was 26.5±4.8 years. Mean antenatal knowledge score was 28±6.2. Two hundred and sixty-eight (67%)
women had poor (?70% score), ninety-six (24%) had adequate (70%-80% score) and thirty-six (9%) had
good (?80% score) level of antenatal knowledge. Three hundred and sixty (90%) women had poor
nutritional and gestational weight gain knowledge. Antenatal knowledge scores were significantly
associated with education, number of antenatal care visits, locality and monthly household income. One
to one education was preferred format by most (53%) of women. Doctors were the preferred source of
information by 80% of the participants.
CONCLUSION: The findings of the study indicate that most of the pregnant women lack the adequate
antenatal knowledge while one to one education given by doctors was the preferred mode of health
education by the majority of the participants.




How to Cite

Khan BA, Muazam A e M, Shahid MA. Assessment of Need of Antenatal Education by Assessing the Existing Knowledge of Pregnant Women. J Liaq Uni Med Health Sci [Internet]. 2019 Oct. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];18(03):206-13. Available from: