Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma: International Prognostic Scoring System Risk Stratification at A Tertiary Care Center in Punjab


  • Umera Saleem
  • Rafeeda Maab
  • Muhammad Asif Naveed
  • Hajrah Syndeed
  • Ambareen Hamid


Diffuse large B Cell Lymphoma, LDH, IPSS.


OBJECTIVE: To stratify the patients according to international prognostic system and to compare our
outcome with international data for Diffuse large B cell lymphoma disease.
METHODOLOGY: It was a descriptive cross sectional study carried out from 2014 to 2018 at Hematology
section of Pathology Department, King Edward Medical University, Lahore. Patients were selected by
non- randomized purposive sampling. Eighty (80) patients diagnosed by histopathology and immunohistochemistry

and data was analyzed for qualitative and quantitative
variables such as age, gender, B symptoms, type of lymph node and extranodal site involved, complete
blood count (CBC), bone marrow examination findings, Ann Arbor stage and serum LDH.
RESULTS: Out of 80 patients, majority were males (51) with M: F ratio of 1.75:1. Median age at diagnosis
was 49.5±16.44 year. 18.75% had B symptoms at the time of the diagnosis. Mediastinal involvement was
seen in 11.25% patients while LDH level was elevated in 96.25%. By applying IPSS, 41.25%, 23.75%,
27.5% and 7.5% were categorized into low, low/intermediate, intermediate/high and high risk groups
CONCLUSION: Majority of our patients presented as Low risk category followed by intermediate/high
risk group. High risk group was the least frequently encountered one. The pattern is similar to
international data except intermediate/high risk category being the second most common category in
our patients.




How to Cite

Saleem U, Maab R, Naveed MA, Syndeed H, Hamid A. Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma: International Prognostic Scoring System Risk Stratification at A Tertiary Care Center in Punjab. J Liaq Uni Med Health Sci [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];18(04):290-4. Available from: