Assessment of Effects of Areca Nut in the Development of Oral Sub-mucous Fibrosis amongst Nursing Students


  • Erum Aftab
  • Erum Khan
  • Farah Anil
  • Rahmatullah Vinjhar


Areca nut, Betel quid, Vesicles, Blanching, and Oral sub-mucosal fibrosis.


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effects of areca nut on oral health of nursing students.
METHODOLOGY: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to gather information from nursing
students. A random sample of 380 students (n = 380) November 2018 to January 2019. The self-structured
questionnaire was employed containing items regarding usage of areca nut, reasons of chewing, effect on
oral health and awareness among users and non-users. Subjects were consented and data was obtained at
their respective settings.
RESULTS: There were 53.4 % (n = 203) male and 46.6 % (n = 177) female, mean age of the students was
2.09±1.13 ranging between 16 to 40 years. The respondents identified of areca chewing habit including both
genders were 82 % (n = 312). Subjects suffering from oral lesions after using areca nut on self-reporting
were 30.3% (n = 115), while the frequency of consuming areca nut made products decreases as the age’s
CONCLUSION: Areca nut consumption among nursing students found in both urban and rural areas
whether they take it as habitual or just like its taste. Resembling other professions, nursing students also
found as frequent areca nut user as habit with minimum oral health effects.




How to Cite

Aftab E, Khan E, Anil F, Vinjhar R. Assessment of Effects of Areca Nut in the Development of Oral Sub-mucous Fibrosis amongst Nursing Students. J Liaq Uni Med Health Sci [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];18(04):301-6. Available from: