Effectiveness of NSAIDs and Physiotherapy in Acute Low Back Pain on Pain and Function in Workers of Pakistan Textile Industry


  • Imran Ghafoor
  • Tahirah Kalsoom
  • Awais Gohar
  • Akhtar Rasul


Low back pain, NSAIDs, Visual analogue scale, Manual material handling.


Objective: To determine the effective treatment option in acute low back pain in workers of textile
industry of Pakistan.
Methodology: A descriptive cross sectional study from March 208 to August 2018 was conducted at
social security hospital Islamabad. Sixty (60) patients with acute low back pain were recruited in the
study. They were divided into two groups of thirty (30) each. All the patients filled self-reported
questionnaire which includes Oswestry Disability index (ODI), and Visual Analogue scale (VAS). All the
outcome measures were taken at baseline and 2 weeks follow up.
Results: The mean age of NSAIDs group was 32±7.72 and mean age of NSAIDs & Physio group was
33±9.93 years. The baseline ODI was 13.50 ±7.29, and after two weeks for ODI were 9.63 ±7.33.The
NSAIDs and Physio group showed statistically significant for the ODI after two weeks (p<0.05) and VAS
after two weeks treatment follow up (p<0.05).
Conclusion: It was concluded that NSAIDs along with physiotherapy is more effective then NSAIDs
alone. The LBP was significantly associated with smoking, sleep disturbance, education (Primary), work
shift (day shift) and type of labor (unskilled).




How to Cite

Ghafoor I, Kalsoom T, Gohar A, Rasul A. Effectiveness of NSAIDs and Physiotherapy in Acute Low Back Pain on Pain and Function in Workers of Pakistan Textile Industry. J Liaq Uni Med Health Sci [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];18(04):320-4. Available from: