Hepatitis B Vaccination Status of Students and Dentists in Dental Colleges of Pakistan


  • Amber Kiyani
  • Mahrukh Zafar
  • Aqsa Abbasi
  • Mohammad Humza bin Saeed


Hepatitis B vaccination, Students, Dentists, Dental College.


OBJECTIVE: To determine HBV vaccine compliance in dental students and dentists working in dental
colleges of Pakistan.
METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional study was planned to assess the vaccination status of dentists and
dental student through a self-administered questionnaire. This study was conducted at multiple dental colleges in Lahore, Peshawar, Karachi, Multan, Abbottabad,
Quetta, Faisalabad, and Islamabad from 15th June to 30th August 2015.
The sample size was calculated using the WHO calculator. The sample population was estimated at 8800
(200 dentist/dental students in 44 colleges across Pakistan) and the confidence interval was set at 95%.
This generated a sample size of 368. However, additional questionnaires were distributed to ensure
optimal returns and obtain more accurate results. The sample population was conveniently sampled.
Questionnaires requesting information about the number of doses received, proof of vaccination status
and if this proof was submitted before admission or employment, were distributed among dentists and
dental students in colleges. A total of 525 questionnaires were returned. The information was recorded
in SPSS version 20 and presented as percentages.
RESULTS: From 525 Dental Health Care Workers, 66.8% (n=351) were vaccinated against HBV. From the
vaccinated individuals, 54.8% (n=288) had completed the 3-dose regimen. Only 38% (n= 200) of the
sampled population were asked to provide proof of vaccination status before being hired, or enrolled.
CONCLUSION: The vaccination compliance rates for HBV vaccine is alarmingly low in dentists and
dental students. More efforts are needed at institutional and national level to improve these rates.




How to Cite

Kiyani A, Zafar M, Abbasi A, Saeed MH bin. Hepatitis B Vaccination Status of Students and Dentists in Dental Colleges of Pakistan. J Liaq Uni Med Health Sci [Internet]. 2020 May 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];19(01):62-5. Available from: