Role of Green Tea on Lipid Profile of Normal and Hyperlipidemic Individuals


  • Tazeen Shah
  • Farheen Shaikh
  • Bibi Sarah .
  • Khalida Sheikh
  • Shafaq Ansari


Green tea, Lipid Profile, Hyperlipidemia


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of green tea on serum lipid profile of healthy and hyperlipidemic individuals.MATHADOLOGY: This case control, comparative study conducted in the Department of Physiology with the collaboration of Medical Research Centre, LUMHS Jamshoro from April 2015 to October 2015 after the approval from Ethical committee of LUMHS. Total sample size was 150 individuals, out of which 75 were healthy individuals as controls and 75 known hyperlipidemic subjects as cases. The sampling technique was random convenient sampling. Informed written consent was taken from all participants. Data was entered in Microsoft excel sheet and was analyzed on SPSS 16.0 (IBM, Incorporation, USA), Student t-test was applied for the analysis of variables. Statistical significance was defined as p-value of ? 0.05.RESULTS: Effects of green tea consumption after 3 months leads to observe the noticeable decrease in total cholesterol of hyperlipidemic subjects (from 260.9±26.13 to 189.9±28.3mg/dl (p<0.05), triacylglycerol (from 198.9±23.8 to 130.8±14.5mg/dl) as compared with initial hyperlipidemic subjects (p<0.05).Increase HDL-C levels of hyperlipidemic subjects after 90 days intake of green tea (from 28.93±4.86 to 48.68±5.68mg/dl and p<0.05) while LDL-C in comparison to baseline, attenuating effects on hyperlipidemic individuals after intake of GT 90 days (from 166.6±10.2 to 109.7±11.3mg/dl p<0.05) as compared with initial baseline hyperlipidemic subjects. Serum VLDL levels also decreased in test group (from 42.17±5.65 to 30.56±4.51 mg/dl) with significant difference of (p <0.05) as compared with the initial hyperlipidemic group.CONCLUSION: Based on lipid lowering effect of green tea, and its capacity to reduce some of hyperlipidemia indices by significant amount. This study determines that the Green tea exerts beneficial effects on the cholesterol status of individuals.




How to Cite

Shah T, Shaikh F, . BS, Sheikh K, Ansari S. Role of Green Tea on Lipid Profile of Normal and Hyperlipidemic Individuals. J Liaq Uni Med Health Sci [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];17(04):225-9. Available from:

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