Association of 2-hour Plasma Glucose (2H-PG) with Lipid Profile in Selected Diabetic Families from Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan


  • Latafat Ali Chughtai
  • Jawaid Ahmed Zai
  • Zaib u nisa Mughal
  • Benazir Faheem


Lipid profile, 2 Hour plasma Glucose (2H-PG), Diabetes


OBJECTIVE: To determine the association of 2-hour plasma glucose (2h-PG) duration with lipid profile in families suffering from diabetes mellitus type-2with impaired lipid metabolism. METHODOLOGY: A cross sectional experimental study was conducted for the duration of thirteen months. Sample size was 274 (n=274), Subjects with predisposed background of Type 2 diabetes were evaluated for the relationship between hyperglycemia and lipid profile, for this blood samples from father, mother and siblings were taken. The data is presented according to 2-hour plasma glucose in blood. RESULTS: The persons those are suffering from diabetes type-2 show the mean values of 2H-PG = 250.17, SD=26.81. Total cholesterol=236.50, SD=19.35, correlation coefficient=0.81, P: 2-tailed=0.00. HDL=47.03, SD=4.33, correlation coefficient= -0.21, P: 2-tailed= 0.00; LDL=179.04, SD =21.96, correlation coefficient=0.73, P: 2-tailed= 0.00; VLDL=39.84, S.D =6.62, correlation coefficient=-0.10, P: 2-tailed= 0.00; Total Cholesterol / HDL=5.08 S.D=0.73, correlation coefficient=0.62, P: 2-tailed= 0.00; Triglycerides=184.99, SD=25.35, correlation coefficient=0.78, P: 2-tailed= 0.00; FPG=193.28, SD =20.14, correlation coefficient=0.06, P: 2-tailed=0.00, HbA1C =6.81, SD =0.71, correlation coefficient=0.29, P: 2-tailed = 0.00, BMI=25.54, SD =2.06, correlation coefficient=0.37, P: 2-tailed= 0.00.CONCLUSION: We concluded that diabetic patients have the high risk of developing various diseases including CVD, therefore in order to prevent from more complications observance of lipid guidelines is very important for improvement of disease.




How to Cite

Chughtai LA, Zai JA, Mughal Z u nisa, Faheem B. Association of 2-hour Plasma Glucose (2H-PG) with Lipid Profile in Selected Diabetic Families from Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan. J Liaq Uni Med Health Sci [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];17(04):215-20. Available from: