Outcome of Percutaneous Needle Aspiration in the Treatment of Lactational Breast Abscess


  • Champa Sushel
  • Naimatullah Kalhoro
  • Shobha Luxmi
  • Khenpal Das
  • Ghulam Akbar Khaskheli
  • Qasim Mallah


Objective: To evaluate the clinical outcome of ultrasound guided percutaneous needle aspiration in lactational breast abscess in terms of complete resolution of abscess, need of incision & drainage and uninterrupted breast feeding.

Methodology: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at Liaquat University Hospital Hyderabad from March-May 2020. Patients with Lactational breast abscess diagnosed on the basis of history, clinical examination and further confirmed on ultrasound were enrolled in the study. Patients presented with already burst abscess or recurrent abscess were not included in the study. Every patient was submitted for ultrasound guided per cutaneous needle aspiration. Failure of procedure was considered on the basis of persistence of clinical features and ultrasound evidence of residual collection after three attempts of aspiration. The patients were offered incision and drainage as next treatment modality. Data was analyzed on SPSS version 22. Results were analyzed for mean, frequency and percentage.

Results: A total of 68 patients with breast abscess were included. The mean age was 24.76±3.15 years. Out of 68 lactating women, 50 (73.5%) abscesses were treated with a combination of ultrasound guided percutaneous aspiration and oral antibiotics. Eighteen patients (26.4%) did not respond even after three attempts of aspiration and submitted for incision and drainage.

Conclusion: Ultrasound guided needle aspiration should be used as initial treatment modality in lactational breast abscess especially for patients who present early with small abscess.

Key Words: Lactational Breast abscess, Ultrasound guided needle aspiration, Incision and drainage. 




How to Cite

Sushel C, Kalhoro N, Luxmi S, Das K, Khaskheli GA, Mallah Q. Outcome of Percutaneous Needle Aspiration in the Treatment of Lactational Breast Abscess. J Liaq Uni Med Health Sci [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];19(04):233-7. Available from: