Traditional Bone Setter’s Practice, Complications; Even in 21st Century


  • Rizwan Ali
  • Zamir Hussain Tunio
  • Sayed Muhammad Ali
  • Raheel Akbar Baloch
  • Muhammad Faraz Jokhio
  • Imran Khan Maher


OBJECTIVE: To assess the factors for desiring the traditional bone setters in our community & their complications.
METHODOLOGY: This retrospective study was conducted at Department of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, LUMHS Jamshoro from February 2018 to March 2020. Total 87 cases presented at Orthopaedic outpatient clinic after appearing Traditional Bone Setters. Age group from 06 to 81 years through musculoskeletal trauma existing with complications secondary to bonesetter’s treatment were included. Data was collected on predesigned proforma through record of department after approval from ERC. All the patients received traditional bone setter’s handling. The data was obtained & analyzed on SPSS version 21.
RESULTS: Total 87 patients, 58(64.36%) were male & 29(33.33%) female M:F ratio 2:1. minimum age 6 years to maximum of 81 years. The mean age was 16.48±32 and 11 patients were under the age of 12 years. Regarding the level of education, 23(26.5%) illiterate, 23(26.5%) primary & 17(19.5%) had secondary education, 24(27.5%) were graduate or with higher education. Common mode of injury was road traffic accidents reported in 69(79%), 17(19.5%) had history of falls and assaults in 3 (3.5%). Among them, 13(15%) farmers, 12(14%) businessmen, 11(12.6%) students, 10(11.5%) Government employee, 9(10%) laborers, 8(9%) teachers, 7(8%) unemployed, 6(6.89%) housewives, 4(4.6%) doctors, 3(3.5%) female nurses, 2(2.3%) drivers, 2(2.3%) patients were male nurses.
CONCLUSION: It has been found that traditional bone setters in our community increase the rate of complications like mal-union, nonunion, and bone infections. Still people are being attracted to bone setters despite of all complications.




How to Cite

Ali R, Tunio ZH, Ali SM, Baloch RA, Jokhio MF, Maher IK. Traditional Bone Setter’s Practice, Complications; Even in 21st Century. J Liaq Uni Med Health Sci [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];19(04):247-51. Available from:

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