Attitude of Faculty Members Towards E-Learning in Saudi Universities: A Cross-Sectional Study


  • Nahla A. Tayyib
  • Pushpamala Ramaiah
  • Mohammed S. Alshmemri
  • Hala Yehia Sayed Ali
  • Hayam I. Asfour
  • Fatmah J. Alsolami
  • Grace M. Lindsay
  • Sanaa A. Alsulami


Objectives: To assess faculty member’s experiences and attitudes towards e-learning among academic teaching institutions.
Methodology: A quantitative design was implemented in this study to analyze faculty members’ attitudes of ten higher education institutions. A structured survey tool of e-learning was adopted to obtain information from the university faculty from March to May 2020.
Results: Completed questionnaire findings demonstrated a high-level attitude (84%) with the mean, SD, 3.10±0.22 towards e-learning and showed a significant correlation between technology support and trainers’ attitudes towards e-learning (virtual learning) at p?0.019. Hence, higher education institution faculty members’ attitude is one of the most important stakeholders for incorporating the virtual learning system in the teaching-learning process to promote quality education.
Conclusion: Multi-modal delivery methods and technologies (Blackboard system) of the e-learning currently being employed by higher education academic institutions positively enhances the faculty members’ attitude towards implementing the e-learning system. These results can be an excellent example of creating an effective e-learning platform for implementing an e-learning environment in the teaching-learning process.

Keywords: Academic faculty members, E-learning, Information technology, Positive attitude, Blackboard, higher education institutions.




How to Cite

Tayyib NA, Ramaiah P, Alshmemri MS, Ali HYS, Asfour HI, Alsolami FJ, Lindsay GM, Alsulami SA. Attitude of Faculty Members Towards E-Learning in Saudi Universities: A Cross-Sectional Study. J Liaq Uni Med Health Sci [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];19(04):291-6. Available from: