Bacterial Sensitivity Pattern ?n N??n?t?l ?????? at Civil Hospital Hyderabad


  • Asif Zafar Abro
  • Muhammad Nadeem Chohan
  • Mumtaz Mahesar


Bacterial Sеnѕіtіvіtу Pattern, Nеоnаtаl Sерѕіѕ.


OBJECTIVE: T? evaluate the bacterial sensitivity pattern ?n n??n?t?l ?????? at Neonatal Unit, Civil Hospital Hyderabad.
METHODOLOGY: The observational Cross-sectional study was conducted at Neonatal Unit, D???rtm?nt ?f ???d??tr???, Civil H????t?l, H?d?r?b?d from 1st
January to 30th June 2014. Total 332 N??n?t?? (1 – 28 d??? ?f l?f?) ??th neonatal sepsis were included in this study. N??n?t?? ?h? had ?lr??d? r????v?d ?nt?b??t??? ?nd ??th gr??? ??ng?n?t?l m?lf?rm?t??n ??r? ?x?lud?d fr?m th? ?tud?. ?ll n??n?t?? ?h? m??t th? ?n?lu???n ?r?t?r?? were investigated (??m?l?t? bl??d ??unt, ?r?thr?mb?n t?m?, & Bl??d ?ultur??). Positive Blood cultures were evaluated for their sensitivity to various antibiotics.
R??ULT?: Th? m??n ?g? ??? 17.3±7 d???, 181 (54.5%) ??r? m?l? ?nd 151 (46.4%) ??r? f?m?l?, 200 (76.6%) ??r? ????? ?f ??rl? ?n??t n??n?t?l ?????? ?nd 132 (66.2%) ??r? l?t? ?n??t ??????. History of ?r?m?tur? ru?tur? ?f m?mbr?n? was present in 24.6%. Kl?b???ll? ?n?um?n??? ??? th? m??t ??mm?n ?rg?n??m ???l?t?d fr?m bl??d (39.78%) f?ll???d b? ?. ??l? (22.58%) ?nd ?t??h?l?????u? ?ur?u? (18.27%).Klebsiella was sensitive to Amikacin, Gentamycin and Ciprofloxacin in 100% cases, while it was resistant to Ampicillin in 100% cases.
C?NCLU???N?: ?t ?? ??n?lud?d fr?m th?? ?tud? th?t Kl?b???ll? ??? th? m??t ??mm?n ?rg?n??m f?r n??n?t?l ?????? and it was ??n??t?v? t? ??mm?n ?nt?b??t???.




How to Cite

Abro AZ, Chohan MN, Mahesar M. Bacterial Sensitivity Pattern ?n N??n?t?l ?????? at Civil Hospital Hyderabad. J Liaq Uni Med Health Sci [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];18(01):22-7. Available from: