Fitness Model of Physical Activity/Exercise During the Home Stay Period of COVID-19


  • Muhammad Tariq Rafiq


fitness model, physical activity, exercise


The COVID-19 pandemic was first detected in China at the end of 20191. Today, the COVID-19 is the biggest public health issue that is challenging the world2. World Health Organization has advised people to stay at home as a safety recommendation and precaution to reduce the transmission and exposure of the virus3. It is necessary to prevent the virus from spreading by quarantine and social distancing. People feel loneliness and social isolation by the safety
recommendations of the virus. Both loneliness and social isolation produce physical and mental-health-related problems. Low levels of physical activity and sitting for a long time are risk factors for disease development.


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How to Cite

Rafiq MT. Fitness Model of Physical Activity/Exercise During the Home Stay Period of COVID-19. J Liaq Uni Med Health Sci [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];20(4). Available from: