Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone; As a Useful Marker to Identify the Pre-eclampsia


  • Salma Farukh Memon
  • Zulfiqar Ali Laghari
  • Shakil Ahmed Shaikh
  • Muhammad Ali Bhatti


Preeclampsia, CRH


OBJECTIVE: To determine the corticotrophin releasing hormone as a diagnostic marker of preeclampsia
METHODOLOGY: Prospective cross sectional study included 100 pregnant women diagnosed as a case
of pre-eclampsia recruited from antenatal clinics; 100 normal healthy pregnant women were inducted as
controls. Maternal blood samples were collected for CRH level at 31 to 33 weeks of gestation on routine
antenatal visits. Estimation of CRH was done by ELSIA method used Enzyme linked Immunoassay (EIA)
technique done on Diamet Elizer system using commercially available kit. All the data was recorded in
the proforma for the purpose of analysis by SPSS v. 16.0.
RESULTS: Mean age of controls was 23.66±4.02 years, while in cases participants 23.82±3.6 years. Mean
CRH was found significantly higher in cases 60.01±9.94ng/ml as compare to controls 49.26±9.39ng/ml,
P-value 0.001. Mean Protein urea was found significantly higher in cases 0.65±0.117g than control
0.08±0.04g. Blood pressure was significantly high in cases as compare to control, P= 0.001
CONCLUSION: We concluded that CRH level is the good predictor of preeclampsia.




How to Cite

Memon SF, Laghari ZA, Shaikh SA, Bhatti MA. Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone; As a Useful Marker to Identify the Pre-eclampsia. J Liaq Uni Med Health Sci [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];17(03):157-60. Available from: