Neglectful Parenting: A Child Overdosed with Phenergan Syrup


  • Anila Sarwar
  • Ayesha Jabeen


Parenting, Phenergan syrup, Intellectual disability, PGEE


Misuse of Over the Counter (OTC) medication is a common issue however, the long term consequences of this unchecked act are less stressed particularly in child care. The current case is of an eight years old boy studying in a Special Education School; referred for the Clinical assessment and intervention of academic and behavioral problems. The adaptive behavior assessment revealed that the child had moderate form of intellectual disability. It was found in anecdotal records that child had consumed heavy quantity of syrup Phenergan in his infant years. The focus of brief therapeutic intervention was to enhance his current adaptive behavior functioning. Multiple stakeholders including parents, physician pharmacist should drift their attention towards this very issue.




How to Cite

Sarwar A, Jabeen A. Neglectful Parenting: A Child Overdosed with Phenergan Syrup. J Liaq Uni Med Health Sci [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];17(03):195-7. Available from: