Faculty Perception about Active Learning Strategies: A Cross Sectional Survey


  • Shams UL Huda
  • Tazeen Saeed Ali
  • Shanaz Cassum
  • Kashmira Nanji
  • Jehanzaib Khan Yousafzai


Active Learning, Engagement, Faculty


BACKGROUND: Nursing education in Pakistan has evolved over the last two decades, and it has shifted from the traditional three-year diploma program to the baccalaureate degree program. However, still traditional learning strategies are used in teachings ineffective in producing quality graduates; hence these graduates lack the necessary skills to face the challenges, diversity, and the dynamics of complex nursing care in Pakistan.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of faculty members and barriers in the utilization of Active Learning (AL) strategies at undergraduate nursing degree programs in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province Pakistan.
METHODS: Cross Sectional design was used to conduct the research study. Consecutive sampling techniques were used to recruit participants in the study. Faculty Perceptions were measured on likert scale. Mean and standard deviation were calculated for continues data, frequency and percentages were
calculated for categorical and nominal data. Logistic regression was for possible relationship between utilization of AL, and different barriers.
RESULTS: Fifty two percent of the faculty members stated that AL strategies help in development of students’ concepts and increase students’ engagement in classes. Moreover, 67.6% faculty members have positive perception for utilization of AL strategies in classes. Interestingly 52.4% of faculty members have negative perceptions for traditional learning strategies. Faculty members perceived different barriers in utilization of AL: insufficient time (60%), difficulty to perform in large class room (38.1%), Lack of support (35.7%) and habitual to didactic learning (28.6%).
CONCLUSION: In conclusion, faculty members have positive perception for AL strategies, and prefer it on didactic learning: However, different barriers were identified by faculty members in utilization of AL strategies. Further, researches are needed to conduct, to design strategies to overcome these barriers.




How to Cite

Huda SU, Ali TS, Cassum S, Nanji K, Yousafzai JK. Faculty Perception about Active Learning Strategies: A Cross Sectional Survey. J Liaq Uni Med Health Sci [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];17(02):96-100. Available from: